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Ancient theatres network | Iuav | 29.03.2019


Amphitheatre of the New Acropolis Museum

Program Plan h.17.00:
Introduction by Mr. Vasilis Lambrinoudakis, Honorary Professor of Classical Archaeology at the Internationational and Kapodistrian University of Athens, General Secretary of the Diazoma Association and Head of the Scientific team of the National Network of Ancient Theatres: “The International network of Ancient Theatres; the first step“.
Mr. Evdokimos Fregoglou, Director of Multimedia Applications at the Diazoma Association and Maria Kourasani, Archeologist and Director of International Relations at the Diazoma Association, Presentation of the web site (platform), “Theatron Network“.
Mrs. Monica centanni, Professor of Greek Language at the Università Iuav di Venezia, “The Greek Theatre of Syracuse: a preserved studies, still in use theatre“, Mr. Mauro Marzo, Professor of Architectural Design at the Università Iuav di Venezia, “The Greek Theatre of Catania: a rediscovered from to bring back to life“.
Mr. Antonio Tejedor and Mrs. Mercedes Linares, Professors of Architecture at the University of Sevilla, “The Roman Theatre of Malaga, archeology and new architecture in the historic urban landscape“.
Mr. Angel Ventura, professor at the University of Córdoba, “The Greek Theatre of Cordoba: an archeological and architectural research“.
Mr. Francisco Alarcón, Coordinator RECA Cadiz Network, Consejería de Cultura, Junta de Andalucia, “The Theatre of Gades, a sleeper in a trance of awakening“.
Mrs Kontoyianni Theodora, Archaeologist at the Ephorate of Antiquities of Arta, “Revealing the secrets of the small theatre of Amvrakia“.
Mr Nikos Chatzidakis, Architect, “The Larissa Ancient Theatre. The restoration of a monument that transformed a town“.
Mrs. Maria Platonos – Giota, Archaeologist, “The Ancient Theatre of Acharnon in Attica. The problem of integration in the urban environment“.
Discussion 20.30
Moderated by Georgia Manolopoulou, Museologist and member of the Board of Diazoma Association and Danae Antonakou, Architect – city planner and deputy Head of the Scientific team of the International Network of Ancient Theatre.



Centro studi Architettura Civiltà Tradizione del Classico

San Polo 2468 Palazzo Badoer

30125 Venezia

tel. 041 257 1461

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